Admissions and Appointments
- Admitted as a Barrister: 2015
- Admitted as a Solicitor: 1997
Degrees and Qualifications
- Master of Laws – Sydney University
- Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws (Hons) – Australian National University
Michelle Rabsch
e: rabsch@pghelychambers.com.au p: +61 2 9224 9747
Areas of Practice
- Criminal Law including regulatory prosecutions and commissions of inquiry and inquest
- Defamation and Media Law including Court Suppression and Non-Publication Orders
- Commercial Litigation including Consumer Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Constitutional, Administrative and Public Law including contempt and applications for review, indemnity or an exercise of the royal prerogative of mercy
Articles, Cases & Publications
- RSL Commission of Inquiry under the Charitable Fundraising Act – junior counsel assisting Public Inquirer Patricia Bergin SC
- Cornwell v Channel 7 and Ors; Al Muderis v Mazzella; Hunter v Hanson, Bolton v Stoltenberg (defamation)
- NSW Prothonotary v Smith; Makarov; Mallegowda; Dangerfield (contempt)
- Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory and Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry
- CS, Youdom, Cecil, Bronte-Lee and McBride (coronial inquests)
- Wotton v QLD, Wainohu v NSW, K-Generation v SA, International Finance Trust Co v NSWCC, Totani v SA, Kirk v IRC and NAAJA v NT (Chapter III Constitution)
- Currell v R and Gilham v R (murder appeals); Einfeld v R, Polley v R and Nguyen v R (sentence appeals); Cribb v R and Crump v R (life sentence redeterminations)
- R v Gould; R v Geraghty & Ors; R v Ozoani & Ors (criminal CDPP prosecutions)
- Sapra Enterprises Pty Ltd v John Cooper and Central Home Loans Pty Ltd (corporations law).
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
+61 2 9224 9747
Level 9, 75 Elizabeth St
Sydney NSW 2000